Sexual intercourse Tag

Posted On March 5, 2014By Allyson DarlingIn Dating For Women, Girlzone

Five Dudes You Shouldn’t Date

With public transportation run-ins, Tinder, OKcupid, Grouper and nights out on the town, young adulthood boasts an impressive collection of resources to meet people, presenting us with options and people we may not have ever met otherwise, proving to be both a good and bad thing.  Below is a collection of men you just shouldn’t date under any circumstances.    1.  The Travel Titan What happens abroad should stay abroad.  Just because you realize a foreign-landed fling has moved to the same city as you, you do not need toRead More
The big day is here, guys. Valentine’s Day. Or, as I like to call it, “Girls are Feeling Romantic and Horny,  Therefore You Better Get Laid” Day. Yes, no matter your relationship status today – whether you’re single and free, tied down, or out in the wild in-between – as a man, you should be doing everything possible to make this evening a memorable one. While your girlfriend, date, or girl you pick up at the bar will appreciate the flowers, dinner, or, for the last option, the shot of Burnett’s,Read More

Posted On January 27, 2014By Maggie NelsonIn Dating For Men, Dating For Women, Girlzone

5 No-Nos in the Bedroom

Everyone has their personal list of “no-nos” for what they think is acceptable when gettin’ it on. Be that as it may, here are a few “don’ts” that I  hope would be on everyone’s list: #1 – Socks I don’t know about you, but I think keeping your socks on during sex is just weird. Sex is something you’re supposed to do naked, and to keep that one awkward article on is just silly. It’s not hard to take those socks off, so just do it. #2 – Criticism No one likesRead More