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When I was 22 months old, something incredible happened.  My sister-friend was born.  Though my little nugget brain didn’t realize it at the time, that chunky baby sister of mine was my soul-mate in the making.  In fact, it took some years before we realized we were faster, better, stronger together.  While growing up in southern California, we struggled with the concept of sharing…okay, I did.  Our rock bottom?  I grabbed her feet while she was sleeping.  Maybe it was our mutual love of Wilson Philips or maybe I just gotRead More
The internet is a wondrous place. You can literally find anything. Life as a young person is different from the life of any one else and I think these gifs establish that pretty clearly.   1. When you have to wake up before 10 am.   2. When you go to Starbucks at 10pm and it’s closed.   3. When you buy a new outfit from H&M and wear it out for the first time.   4. Pretty much.   5. After a long and tiring of day of doing nothing…butRead More