Drugs Tag

Posted On December 27, 2015By Allyson DarlingIn Advice For Women, Girlzone, Lifestyle

Celibacy, Drugs, and Rock & Roll

I’ve been here before; it’s an old familiar corner, an imaginary coalition — The Sad Girls Club. It exists solely for the sads that sprout from nothing. Pounding hearts, jaws that clench, minds barren of rational thought and practicality, as one cries as hard as the shower water comes down and tries to get it together enough to shave an armpit (or two). This exists in me and in the small veins in my temple, and the large veins in my opposite elbows, and it holds a weight that IRead More

Posted On August 31, 2014By Hunter SimmonsIn Buzzworthy, The Scene

Generation Y: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

It’s easy to lament the trends and fads of today’s teenagers. Hell, even as a 23 year-old, I find myself starting many complaints with, “Back when I was your age…” Every generation loves to think that they are God’s gift to mankind, but they come with their own set of what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-you-type problems. Let’s take a look at how Generation Y, as they call it, stacks up.   The Good: Ingenuity and Determination Teens today are doing some remarkable things at unprecedented rates. Just look at Malala Yousafzai’s crusade for women’sRead More

Posted On July 18, 2014By Meaghan McGoldrickIn Music, Shows

Firefly Kicked My Ass: A Festival Guide

This summer, I spent four days and three nights camped on the cold hard ground surrounding the Dover, Delaware Speedway with six best friends, five new friends, two handles of Fireball and 9,000 baby wipes. Firefly Music Festival kicked my ass – hard – and, a month into recovery, this is what I’ve learned.   There is no such thing as Dunkin Donuts. I can’t speak for Coachella (because I’m underpaid and on the East Coast) but the festivals around here are only home to vendors selling small coffees outRead More
Children Take Bounce House Ride of a Lifetime I know I really shouldn’t joke about this but come on…it’s kinda funny. Besides, the children involved are okay, despite some injuries. On Monday of this week two young boys in New York were swept away while in their bounce house. A gust of wind blew the bounce house 15 to 20 feet in the air and the boys fell to the ground below. I know this is pretty scary but just imagine the scenario for a second. You’re telling me youRead More
It’s Raining Fish in Sri Lanka! Yes that’s correct. And I’m not talking about cats and dogs here, I really mean fish. On Monday, during a rainstorm in Sri Lanka, villagers were surprised to have over 50kg of fish come down as well. It is believed the fish were pulled from a nearby river. This is not the first time the country has seen fish rain. Early in 2012 a nearby village witnessed prawns fall from the sky. So I guess this is kinda cool. Talk about your endless sushiRead More

Posted On February 6, 2014By Patrick SmithIn Buzzworthy, The Scene

Too Much of a Good Thing

Philip Seymour Hoffman overdosed on something that he loved, or at least couldn’t live without.  This is a list of things that I think I love enough (or at least, if introduced to, couldn’t go without) to overdose on.   Root Beer You don’t need an ID to purchase it and it goes great with every meal… Root Beer truly is the swing-man of the beverage world.  What kid hasn’t pretended to get drunk off of IBC?  Now imagine drowning yourself in a pool of it.  Commence the salivating.  Read More