Advice for Women Tag

Posted On March 26, 2015By Jackie RodriguezIn Advice For Women, Girlzone, Lifestyle

Things No One Tells You About Growing Up

If you’re like me– sixteen and thrust into a grown up world of taxes and employment before you even graduate– then you’re probably internally dying over taxes, employment, and what in God’s name the powerhouse of the cell is…because you have a biology test next week and you have no idea. If you’re not like me, congratulations, because you still have a soul hidden from the rudest people in mankind and the desperate urge to sleep. Juggling this all would’ve been easier with a handy guide to navigating the intricaciesRead More

Posted On March 24, 2015By Allyson DarlingIn Advice For Women, Girlzone, Lifestyle

The Best Advice You’ll Ever Receive

I’ve been in low places, like on the floor — in a matching sweat suit that wasn’t mine. While crying and kicking my feet, a teensy bit, like a two year-old in the peak of his tantrum. And the matching sweat suit was gray and didn’t belong to me and was the kind you purchase at Target in the men’s section for $11.99. And it belonged to my decently androgynous roommate who dated a pretty androgynous woman who wore the same kind of underwear. And when they walked by onRead More
The thing about Tacos de Huicho, the most kickass taco place in town and probably the world, is that though they have kickass tacos they also have a not so kickass restroom setup. It’s not as bad as the one in my favorite Starbucks. The one that has the automatic light that seems to always turn off right in the middle of doing your thing. The one that seems to give up on you the way your high school English teacher did during your junior year. But it does onlyRead More
So, I have kind of a problem with impulse control. If I see a cute (insert item of clothing here), and it’s not that expensive, I’ll usually buy it without much thought to whether it fits into my budget (lol, what’s a budget), or whether it fits into my wardrobe (but it’s cute! Who cares if I never wear it?) It’s something that I’m trying to work on. This past month I tried to go shopping-free, as in, I tried not to buy anything, except for food and toiletries (notRead More

Posted On February 26, 2015By Athena AquinoIn Advice For Women, Girlzone, Lifestyle

Sorry, I’m Not Sorry

It’s easy to always put the blame on your end, to think and assume that every fiasco is because of your doing, to just apologize even when it’s beyond your control. You have grown so attached to the notion that saying sorry will always make up for things, will always restore them back to how they are. I regret to break this to you but no, ‘sorry’ isn’t a magic word you can just blurt out to get things working how they used to be. You have to realize thatRead More

Posted On February 25, 2015By Allyson DarlingIn Advice For Men, Girlzone

The Six in Twenty-Six

My third grade self had planned on getting married when I was twenty and having children when I was twenty-two. (Even then I knew I would need at least a year of designated binge drinking before being responsible for another human). I was going to be a writer when I grew up and I was going to live by the beach. I loved the beach. It was inconceivable to me that there might be restrictions to the planning of these life events. It might be hard to find a husband.Read More
Week after week we seem to get lost in the shuffle. It’s normal and means you’re doing something right. If it was easy then it’d be boring. But stress mounts, so here are some ways to renew yourself on a daily basis. Because life is too short to spend day after day feeling drab. 1. Stretching This has helped me immensely. I started doing this to prepare myself for tennis and I now try to do it every morning in between gulps of coffee. Stretching your body stretches your mind…Read More

Posted On February 17, 2015By Kelsey DarlingIn Advice For Women, Girlzone

An Introvert’s Guide to a Party

If I didn’t have people I loved and I wasn’t an indentured servant to my student loans, the chances are high that I would be a full-fledged hermit woman by now. All I would need is a good cave, a good book, and maybe some Hot Cheetos. Still, somehow, when I receive a social invitation, my first instinct is to say yes. It’s only hours before the event that I realize I’ve made a huge mistake. For fellow introverts, here is my humble hermit advice:   Under-Promise and Over-Deliver TheRead More

Posted On February 13, 2015By Elin Van AttaIn Advice For Women, Girlzone

Valentine’s Day Motivation Speech

People love to hate on Valentine’s Day.  But why?  It’s just a stupid holiday created by Hallmark, right? Maybe.  Maybe not.  Let’s not take it so personally.  Quite frankly, “Singles Awareness Day” is getting old.  I’m over it.  She’s over it.  He’s over it.  Yes, I am aware that singles outnumber married people in America, but can we just call it “Saturday”?  Or, like, “Wear Something Sexy and Eat Chocolate Day”?   And besides, are any of us really alone?  Grab your best girlfriends and toast to singledom!  Dear single, youRead More

Posted On January 26, 2015By Allyson DarlingIn Advice For Women, Lifestyle

No One’s Single When You’re Twenty-Six

I pulled back the drapes, my drapes, white and wilted. Fog lied ferociously across the glass. And lonely, little drops of condensation were flung about. Ignorant, because they weren’t alone, but part of a larger collection of one morning. I was intrigued that I could do that myself. It didn’t take the breath of two bodies: one slightly cigarette scented and the other certain. It didn’t take sex. It didn’t take a whole night’s sleep of spooning and swaying under shoved down sheets. Just me. In the middle of my bed. WithoutRead More
As the economy teeters back from it’s near seven-year dance of riding on a single rail companies are once again starting to hire. And with so many eager participants to no longer be underemployed, HR departments are barely treading water above a deluge of applications. This perfect storm has given birth to the unhallowed beastie of employment-seeking, the kraken of job-getting: the group interview. In the wide and awkward world of acutely uncomfortable moments that is attaining employment, there is almost no greater circus of discomfort than the group interview. ARead More

Posted On January 5, 2015By Basic BeccaIn Advice For Women, Girlzone, Lifestyle

15 Realistic Resolutions for 2015

Making resolutions for the new year is easy: lose weight, read more, eat healthy, blah, blah, blah. Unfortunately, these life changing commitments are typically abandoned well before the second month of the year. Instead of setting yourself up for failure with vague resolutions and no plan of action, this can be the year that you actually follow through.   Instead of “lose weight” 1. Don’t drink during the week. Alcohol isn’t doing us any favors when it comes to our health. For most people, it’s pretty unrealistic to cut out alcoholRead More
Another year, another beer. That’s what I always say, every day in fact. Don’t look at 2015 as just another year. Keep your eyes open and you may discover new riches that you never thought possible. Lucky for me, I found mine in November.     Joining A Church Band Growing up, I was never an Atheist but I was hardly a religious boy. My parents never went to church and they never forced me to go, so I usually didn’t. In high school I began going and volunteering butRead More
“Long distance is hard.”  -Everyone It was years ago the first time it happened.  He lived in New York.  Brooklyn, to be exact.  I was living in San Francisco.  Where we met:  the Caesars Palace pool.  He was tall, (deviously) charming, and had just gotten his Masters at Stanford.  I was impressed but so what?  Why would anyone get involved with someone who lived in a different city, especially one on the other side of the country?   I mean, seriously.  Maybe it was the dizzying Vegas sun or theRead More
When you’re on a date with someone and there’s a lull in the conversation, sometimes that lull grows into a black hole of silence that there is no returning from. And the more you realize it’s growing, the more you panic, the deeper you sink into the quicksand of quiet. So before it gets to the eerie point of a borderline monastic silence, you should enlist the Art of So. The Art of So is centered on the theory that people love to talk about themselves. This is usually theRead More