Posted On October 9, 2014 By In Buzzworthy, The Scene

Please, Subscribe


This is not a review.

This is a recommendation that you, reader, take 90 minutes of your time and watch a documentary about YouTubers. The film is called Please Subscribe. The director is Dan Dobi. The cast is made up of famous YouTubers discussing their foray into YouTube-dom.

These stories are fascinating for a number of reasons, reasons I will not list because the Internet is overrun with lists as it is. Suffice it to say, the expository nature of each YouTuber’s respective story allows for the utmost emotional honesty. Dobi’s ‘hands-off’ directing style encourages candidness on the part of his subjects, and, with no filters, each millennial YouTuber informally relates his/her blunders into the eclectic personality that is YouTube.

Without giving away spoilers, the genius of Please Subscribe is in the way the film’s structure mirrors the haphazard ennui we all deal with when perusing YouTube (and ultimately getting lost in its void). It speaks volumes about millennial innovation in the face of joblessness and a withering economy.

At its heart, the film warmly sides with 21st century misfits who, despite physical or mental illness, approval or rejection, are determining their own success by making their perceived weaknesses their greatest strengths. It serves to remind us millennials that, if corporate America won’t hire us, well, we didn’t want their jobs in the first place.

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Will is the Co-Founder and CEO of Taken Films. He holds an MFA in Film Production from USC's School of Cinematic Arts. He wrote a book that you haven't read. It's called 'My Blood Feet.'