Posted On September 17, 2014 By In Dating For Men, Manzone

Asking Out the Girl in Class


Senior year of college, Fall semester, I was packing up after my poetry final when the guy who sat across from me all semester walked up. Thinking he was not seeking my attention I stuffed the rest of the cookie my professor handed out as inspiration into my mouth. He was indeed seeking my attention and proceeded to compliment me and ask for my number. I nearly spit out the cookie. He and I had only made contact once in the class and boy was I a hungover mess that day. Cheeks burning red, I chewed as fast as I could and quickly squeaked out a yes. Not even a day later I had a text from him and then we ended up dating for nearly all of Spring semester.
I give that boy all the credit in the world for the way he went about asking for my number, all except for the cookie part. All you college men take note. Here are three tips to asking out a girl in your class.



1. When the Semester Ends

If you are nervous about what she will say or are the shy type, this is definitely your route. Just like what my poetry class boy did, choose a time of no consequence, like after the final, and just take the plunge. No need to ask her on a date, but if you want to go that far, it is not a bad move. If you want, just ask for her phone number and tell her you want to get to know her better. When a man tells a woman he wants to get to know her better, in the genuine sense of the phrase, she is going to be flattered, I guarantee it. If you really want to win her over, compliment something she did or said in class; it will show that you have been paying attention.
Warning: Try to think of something from the most recent weeks of class or you will look like a stalker, straight up.



2. Study Buddies

If you are willing to work for it and wouldn’t really call yourself shy, becoming study buddies first is the right way to go. Start with small conversations in class and then work your way into an exchange of emails or numbers. Academic exchanges of information are much less pressurd. From there, go to study together, just the two of you, but in a public setting like the library or Starbucks. When it transitions to someone’s home, even the slightest of flirty banter can be taken the wrong way. If all goes well and she accepts your minimal flirting, move into asking her to hang out in a non-academic way. Invite her and her girlfriends to your buddy’s party that weekend, or if you are in the category of 21+ always go for the drunk not the party. It feels more sophisticated and personal, and your buddy is unlikely to snatch her away from you in this scenario.
Warning: Study buddies does risk friendzone, so be very aware of the signals you are giving and getting.



3. Flirt

This is the most blatant of choices, but also the most demanding. Although you are openly flirting, it could mean anything. Many people are just naturally flirtatious in their speaking, so this is when your detective skills have to come in handy. Keep a close eye on her body language. Is she facing you directly when you talk to her in class? Has her seat suddenly moved from across the classroom to right next to yours? These are good signs.
Across the room eye contact is probably the most cliché and openly known sign. If you both get caught looking at each other in class, but the red handed moment turns into flirtatious eye contact, you are set. That is all you need to know before you can make the next step of adding her on social media or asking for her number.

Warning: If this one totally bombs you are stuck seeing each other on a weekly, possibly daily, basis until the end of the semester.

Every avenue has its pros and cons so take them all into consideration before taking the plunge. Just don’t wait too long because if you have your eye on her, chances are, someone else does too.

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Allison currently attends CU Boulder and works as a late night bartender. Her time is spent writing(especially poetry), playing N64, traveling, and hunting for under appreciated literature. She hopes to grow up to be an editor or work in publishing.