Advice For Women Category

Your first day of work is a barrage of introductions to people that you will spend eight hours a day, five days a week with until you retire or leave. On your first day, here are the five people you will want to spend some extra time with, smile a little bigger with, and make a bigger impression upon. 1. The Janitor Ha ha, right? No. This is not a joke. The janitor is perhaps your most important new friend in the office. On your first day, your chaperone mightRead More
I have a curiosity for new experiences and adventures, an originality quest that lately has caused me to be reckless with my intentions and sloppy with my boundaries. The careful deliberateness I had cultivated evaporated somewhere between devirginizing  a twenty-six year old and my eighteenth bacon wrapped hot dog in a month span. Here are some lessons I have been privy to lately that I have realized you are never too old to learn:   1.  Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. This statement encompasses a range ofRead More

Posted On May 11, 2014By Erika SternIn Advice For Women, Girlzone, Lifestyle

How to Always Go to Bed Happy

I write this as I’m falling asleep in bed, at midnight, on a Friday (I promise I lead an exciting life). Ever since I was younger, I was always trying out new ways to fall asleep faster, stay asleep, or ways to not wake up so much during my sleep. I have lavender lotions (lavender is a sleep aid), websites bookmarked on my computer with advice and dream catchers for those scary dreams. Despite my findings, I never really told people my secrets on how to go to bed happy…Read More

Posted On May 9, 2014By Shannon FolsomIn Advice For Men, Advice For Women, Manzone

Down With Dream Dashers

Every ambitious person knows what it’s like to have people dump on their dreams. Sometimes friends and acquaintances go right for the kill, lecturing you about how unrealistic your goals are. Other times they dump on you passively, faking interest with shit grins and responses like, “Fun!…” and, “Good luck with that…” Regardless of the method, being doubted—especially by friends and family members–sucks. Unfortunately, putting up with Debbie Downers is a part of life. You’ll always have to deal with people that take a little too much interest in yourRead More

Posted On May 8, 2014By Ascher RobbinsIn Advice For Men, Advice For Women, Manzone

On Graduating from College

This one goes out to the Class of 2014. Whether you’re graduating this weekend, next weekend, or in June (yeah, I went to UCSB, I know all too well the pains of the quarter system and its late graduation dates), whether you attended a private school with 2,000 people or a public school with 20,000, whether you majored in dance or biochemistry, this article is for you.   I’m not exactly a perpetual optimist. A few weeks ago, I wrote a piece about some of the harsh realities of post-gradRead More
May 2014 is upon us. It marks 1 year from when the best four years of my life (so far) ended and I entered this thing people call “the real world.” I haven’t seen many of the people with whom I shared classes, horrible professors, drinks, and memories for almost 12 months now. And soon, the class of 2014 will join me in the world I have not yet completely learned to love. There are so many things I wish I would have known about the post-grad life, but it isRead More

Posted On May 6, 2014By Rachel HarrisonIn Advice For Women, Girlzone

21st Century Girl Woes

It’s hard out there for a chick. It’s never been a cakewalk for us females and despite girl power being at an all time high, the 21st century has introduced a slew of new problems.  We are now faced with difficulties such as… 8 – Attempting to do some DIY seen on Pinterest and ending up with a mason jar full of glitter, a terrible burn from a hot glue gun, and the worst tangle in the history of hair. Pinterest is the birthplace of disappointment, frustration, and injury. 7Read More
If you didn’t go to summer camp as a kid then you might not understand that camp is the best thing ever.  As a counselor at a resident camp for three summers, I am here to tell you to stop hunting for a summer job and start hunting for a summer camp!  It’s not the easiest job ever, but it’s definitely one of the most fun. The Good Playing all day. Being in nature and teaching kids about it. Showing kids how to unplug and have fun away from TV,Read More
The caps and gowns have come in, but those of us in the Class of 2014 that are still slightly in denial about the end of our college careers have kept them safely stowed in the back of the closet. As May approaches, the number of awkward small talk and networking conversations has increased exponentially, and every mention of post-grad plans has us reaching for another glass of wine and scoop of guacamole. Whether you’re an underclassmen, a mentor, or a well-meaning family member, here are the Questions College SeniorsRead More

Posted On April 15, 2014By Meaghan McGoldrickIn Advice For Men, Advice For Women, Girlzone

50 Life Lessons Learned In College

This is it. In six to ten weeks the Class of 2014 will be off to bigger, brighter (and slightly scarier) things. College may not last forever but those lessons learned (both in the classroom and out running rampant through the streets of your college town) will. Before you (attempt to) become a functioning member of society, take a look back on the last eight semesters and take in what you really took out of college (besides that degree). Write them down and keep a list like this one, written byRead More
It’s April, and you know what that means: Spring is in the air, the days are getting longer, and around the country, thousands upon thousands of undergraduates are either crapping their pants or crying into so many Keystone Lights. Why, you ask? Because in a month’s time, the Class of 2014 will be the Graduating Class of 2014. Yikes. No more college, no more parental support, and no more irresponsibility. All that’s left is the cold, hard real world and its jobs, rent, and worst of all, maturity. Gross. So forRead More

Posted On April 8, 2014By Allyson DarlingIn Advice For Men, Advice For Women, Girlzone

Embrace Uncertainty

If we put down that near-barren wine glass that signifies the consumption of the better part of a bottle, if we turn off the Xbox, stop brunching, human-humping, and indulging in the other distractions that construct our twenties;if we are honest with ourselves, we realize that the only certain element of this defining decade is uncertainty.  Far away is that safe four (perhaps five) years of cushion that college provided for us.  Buffering us from the real world, college proves to be a quasi-adult world, where we are old enoughRead More
We’ve all heard of the work-life balance, a.k.a. “don’t sit in front of a computer for 50 years and not see all the cool shit outside of the office too.” You go to work, and then you hang out with friends who know nothing about your office other than your complaints about the heavy breather and obsession with the new cute coworker (and prayers that you don’t get reported to HR). Every once in a while, you find yourself in the twilight zone known as a work happy hour, whereRead More

Posted On March 26, 2014By Allyson DarlingIn Advice For Women, Girlzone

How to Glam Your Grunge

Sometimes our work-happy hours last longer than expected and we awake the next morning, foggy and furious at our alarm, and must abandon any  intention of showering in order to sleep a little bit longer.   No, I am not advocating regular avoidance of bathing to match the scent of the homeless man surrounded by pigeons and urine on your walk to the bus, but there are some serious ways to glam up your grunge that every twenty-something should be privy to.   1.  Charm Your Chewbacca Legs You haveRead More
I have spent the majority of my teenage and adult years as a mindful observer of the dating scene. For the most of my college career, I played the role of the single friend that dished out (solicited) relationship advice and built her buddies back up after brutal breakups. Occasionally, I caught flak from friends and family for not experiencing enough of the dating scene first-hand. Apparently it’s a widely accepted notion that the only way to determine what you want and need out of relationships is to work yourRead More